Network-wide Survey Results
What is your current favourite book?
Laureates across the country were most fond of the the Harry Potter Series of books. Apart from this desire to seek out fantasy and escape from their daily routines they also showed a strong inclination towards books of an inspirational nature including The Alchemist and Tuesdays with Morrie.
Who is someone you would want to invite to a dinner party?
The elections weighed heavily on the minds of laureates dinner plans. Barack Obama was by far the national leader being on most delegates ‘most invited’ list. The real story to be told unfolded in the 2nd and 3rd place standings which resulted in a close match between two powerful and influential individuals- Chad Lubelsky and Oprah Winfrey. Nelson Mandela placed a paltry fourth.
When was the last time you tasted something you hated?
The culinary tastes of laureates across the country varied widely and was a telling sign of the local cuisines. One can speculate that Vancouver faced a veritable epidemic of bad food one week prior to the event in comparison to Waterloo who in fact had no one that tasted anything they hated short of one month ago. Montreal was seen to have a longer term memory in comparison to Ottawa which had evenly distributed ‘hate’ levels across time--- quite telling.
Do you think the edges of reality are diffuse?
The concentrated areas in this pictogram clearly display where laureates believe reality is most diffuse. Concentrated in both Manitoba and the East Coast one can see that the rest of the country sees a very different universal reality.
What is your favourite smell?
Flowers win yet again. Both Vanilla and Jasmine trumped the expectant yearning for the childhood memory of clean clothes and campfires. One person in the country liked the smell of soup.
Does true peace exist at home when you are not there?
Peace begins at home and unfortunately we have a long way to go. Laureates seem to be split down the center on whether true peace exists at home when they are not there- fifty percent believing each option.
Do your parents know that you have stolen money from them?
It seems as though every laureate has stolen money from their parents and only 47.9% of them are smart enough to have gotten away from it- questionable to say the least.
Please estimate the size of your partner's head in inches.
Quite literally, the Ottawa/Montreal corridor boasts the largest heads across the country with an average of 24.7 inches. Statistically the head size in St Johns has forced them to make up for their deficit with both culture and personality as they averaged a diminutive 9.58. The rest of the country wavered around the national average of 18.18 inches.
Who do you like more, the person on your left or right?
If you want to be someone's friend you are better off sitting on their left rather than their right. This is true for the majority of the country except for BC where there is a significant reversal and one would be advised to be seated on the right.